Customer Information

The Customer Labtown has a new vSphere 5 environment with one of their line of business applications recently being virtulized. Labtown requires that their Webserver, Database Server, and Fileserver for their line of business app be created into a vAPP. The VM's should start up in a specific order to insure the application starts correctly after an outage or reboot. Labtown also wants the best performance possible out of each VM. There is three hosts in the cluster each running the same CPU and Memory specifications. each host is running at 60% utilization right now. Labtown doesn't have any budget for more hosts.

Create a logical vAPP design for Labtowns Line of Business Application


- The server must boot in the following order: DB, Fileserver, WebServer
- Each VM must perform the best it can with the current cluster configuration

- Place the three VM's on the vAPP
- Place the boot order boxes ontop of each VM to indicate the VM's boot order
- Place the VM stencil for each VM in the DRS rules section if you wish to apply DRS rules to the design
- As long as VM's are on the vAPP stencil marks will be scored
Host DRS Rules
Virtual Machine to Host
VM DRS Rules
Separate Virtual Machines
Host1 Host2 Host3